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Pulaski County Park

Pulaski County Park

Pulaski County Park is home to some of the most beautiful wooded trails in the state. It is located at 1200 State Hwy 3189, Nancy, KY 42544. Make sure you don’t miss out on this hidden gem! Here are some things you should know before heading out to explore Pulaski County Park:Pulaski County

When to Go to Pulaski County Park

There are a few different times of year you can visit Pulaski County Park. The peak times are in spring and fall, but the weather can be unpredictable at all times of the year and spring and fall are the nicest times to go. If you’re visiting in summer or winter, you may want to bring a jacket for cooler or warmer temperatures, respectively. Summer can get hot in Pulaski County Park. The high is usually around 90 degrees, but the humidity can make it feel much worse. You may also want to bring water with you if you’re visiting in summer. The trees in the park are mostly deciduous trees with a red fall foliage, but the leaves stay on the trees until late winter/early spring and can make the ground a messy brown color. Winter in Pulaski County Park can be really nice! Snowfall can be light, but it’s still fun to explore the park in the snow.

What to Do in Pulaski County Park

Find a trail - There are over 60 miles of trails in the park, so you can try to hike them all if you want! Many of the trails are very easy to walk, but a few are very steep and may be dangerous if you’re not very fit. Go for a hike - There are a lot of trails in the park so you can try to go for a hike on every trail! - Collect leaves - Fall is a great time to go to Pulaski County Park to collect leaves. The leaves of most trees in the park change color between mid-September and mid-October. If you go during the right time of year, you can try to collect as many leaves as you can and bring them home to dry and make a leaf pile. Autumn also has a lot of beautiful red leaves on many deciduous trees in the park, so you can go collect those leaves as well.

Things to Avoid in Pulaski County Park

Go for a hike during a rainstorm - If it’s raining when you go for a hike, make sure you stay on the trail and don’t go off-trail! If you do, you may end up getting muddy or crossing a flooded area. Go into a forested trail when it’s raining - Many of the forested trails in the park are old logging trails that have many deep ruts and holes. If it’s raining when you go into a forested trail, you may end up getting muddy or even stuck in a mudhole.

Tips for Visiting Pulaski County Park

Plan your visit - Try to visit at least one other time of year and make sure you try to go in the fall. Spring is a nice time to visit because the deciduous trees have leaves, but there’s not as much other leaf-collecting going on. Bring extra batteries for your camera - You may want to bring a few extra batteries for your camera because batteries go fast in the sun. You’ll want to make sure your camera is ready in case you want to take a long walk in the forest or take a few pictures. Wear appropriate shoes


Some of the trails in the park are easy to hike, but some are steep and can get you dirty quickly since the trail isn’t a smooth concrete sidewalk. You may want to wear hiking shoes that have a lot of grip or tennis shoes with a grip bottom so you don’t get too muddy on the trail.

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